Vaginal Rejuvenation in Edmonton, Alberta

How Does FemiLift® Work?

FemiLift® is a vaginal rejuvenation device equipped with a CO2 laser system. During the treatment process, a sterile probe is inserted into the vagina and directs CO2 laser energy into the tissue to remodel existing collagen. It also causes an instant contraction in existing collagen and promotes a healthier and tighter vagina.

What Does It Treat?

FemiLift® can treat the symptoms of various women’s health issues that affect women of all ages. Not only does it deliver the benefits of non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation, but it also can improve sensation, sensitivity, and tissue tone.

Stress Urinary Incontinence

It also is an effective solution for women suffering from SUI, also known as stress urinary incontinence. This condition causes involuntary urinary leakage, which at its source results from weak pelvic floor muscles. This treatment uses CO2 laser energy to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which naturally resolves the symptoms of this condition.

Vaginal Dryness

Vaginal dryness can result from hormonal deficiencies and fluctuations, aging, and specific health conditions. This treatment uses rejuvenating laser therapy to stimulate the body to replace older tissue with healthier tissue and, in doing so, improves vaginal lubrication.

Rejuvenation After Childbirth

Women who have noticed changes in the appearance and overall state of their vaginas after one or more vaginal deliveries can use this treatment to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, tighten the vagina, and restore health and youth to the vaginal tissues. Post-treatment, women can expect improved sexual health and wellness and increased confidence.

Vaginal Changes After Menopause

We can also use this device to treat women post-menopause who have experienced changes in their sexual health, resulting in general vaginal laxity and dryness. This CO2 laser device stimulates the growth of new tissues, tightens the vaginal area, and forces the body to produce new collagen for overall rejuvenation.

What Is Vaginal Rejuvenation?

Vaginal rejuvenation is a non-surgical treatment that uses advanced technology to revitalize the vagina. At New Image Cosmetic, we offer vaginal rejuvenation treatments with FemiLift®, a device that uses CO2 laser energy to target and tone vaginal tissue by stimulating the natural healing processes within the body. The CO2 laser energy stimulates natural collagen production to address skin laxity, poor tone, and weakened pelvic floor muscles.

Frequently Asked Questions

The good news is that patients who undergo this treatment typically experience their desired results after a single session. However, we recommend follow-up treatments to ensure long-lasting results. Your treatment can address multiple women’s health concerns during one session.

After your treatment, you’ll notice immediate results, and you can maintain them with regular follow-up treatments.

FemiLift® treatments take approximately 30 minutes to complete. The treatment process is quick and convenient, so you can schedule your treatments and resume your normal daily activities once they’re over. You won’t have to plan around any downtime.

Women who have begun to notice how aging has affected their vaginas make good candidates for this treatment, as do women who have undergone one or more vaginal births and are looking for a way to naturally rejuvenate the vaginal region. It also can help alleviate unpleasant symptoms, including vaginal dryness, vaginal laxity, recurring infections, and incontinence.


If you are interested in this treatment, we can schedule an initial consultation at our office to discuss your concerns. During this consultation, we will review your medical history and discuss your treatment goals to confirm whether you are a good candidate for FemiLift®. Then we can proceed with the treatment, so you can experience all the benefits of this non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation treatment.

Enhancing Your Treatment Results With a Customized BHRT Treatment Plan

We offer FemiLift® for vaginal rejuvenation, and we also offer customized treatment plans with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy to balance hormones, improve sexual health and wellness, and boost libido for added benefits. FemiLift® can resolve vaginal dryness and improve sexual sensation, but if your symptoms are primarily caused by a hormonal deficiency, you may need something more.

Combining your treatment with a customized BHRT treatment plan will address your hormonal imbalance with the added benefits of a FemiLift® treatment plan. If you are suffering from the symptoms of a hormonal imbalance, we can give you more details about BHRT and test your hormone levels to determine whether this option is right for you.

What Are the Benefits of FemiLift® Treatments?

Not only does FemiLift® promote sexual health and vaginal rejuvenation, but it doubles as a urinary incontinence treatment. Some of the primary treatment benefits include the following:

  • It’s minimally-invasive
  • It’s a painless treatment
  • It’s a safe treatment that doesn’t cause any discomfort during or after treatments
  • Treatments are quick
  • The device initiates a natural process and relies on the body for results
  • It can strengthen pelvic floor muscles
  • The treatment can address multiple concerns during a single session

Learn More

This treatment delivers natural vaginal rejuvenation benefits and can promote and improve sexual health and wellness without any pain, downtime, or risk. We can give you more details about this safe and effective treatment, confirm your treatment eligibility, and design a treatment plan that’s right for you.